Mappie comes with several safe built-in mappers. These mappers are defined in the package tech.mappie.api.builtin and can be applied explicitly, or implicitly.

The types below that are in cursive are not available on all platforms. For example, BigInteger is only available on the JVM platform.

Numeric Mappers #

The following integer mappers are built-in

Byte Short Int Long BigInteger BigDecimal
Byte - X X X X X
Short - X X X X
Int - X X X
Long - X X
BigInteger -
BigDecimal -

The following floating point mappers are built-in

Float Double BigDecimal
Float - X X
Double - X

There also exist a mapper for all numeric types to String.

Char Mappers #

The following char mappers are built-in

Char String
Char - X

LocalDate Mappers #

The following numeric mappers are built-in

LocalTime LocalTime LocalDate
LocalDateTime - X X

UUID Mappers #

The following UUID mappers are built-in

UUID String