Mappie is a Kotlin compiler plugin which comes with a Gradle plugin to automatically apply and configure the compiler plugin. We can apply Mappie by adding the following plugin to the build.gradle.kts file

plugins {
    id("tech.mappie.plugin") version "x.y.z"

The mappie-api dependency must be added to the build.gradle.kts file for the programming interface

dependencies {

The most recent version of Mappie can be found at the releases page.

Compatibility #

Mappie is dependent on compiler internals, which might be unstable. These dependencies are kept to a minimum, but are unavoidable. Mappie is tested and compatible with Kotlin versions 1.9.24, 2.0.0, and higher.

Versions below 1.9.24 might work, but are untested. If you encounter an issue, please report this as a bug. Note that incompatible versions will possibly lead to compilation failure, and never to runtime risks.